Card with expand-on-hover effect
I recently came across a cool effect on a blog (I believe the original design came from the Ghost platform). When you hover over a card that links to an article, there’s a transition that expands the card slightly - it goes back to its original size when you move the mouse away from it.
I tend to appreciate simple, minimalist designs that don’t overwhelm the user. I avoid in-your-face effects, transitions, and animations. Here however, the effect is subtle, yet I find that it adds a nice touch of sophistication to the design.
In addition to the hover effect, I liked this card design, so I reverse-engineered it from scratch, using flexbox for layout.
Below is the result of my efforts in codepen:
Hover Effect
The hover effect is achieved with the following CSS:
.fancy_card:hover {
transform: translate3D(0,-1px,0) scale(1.03);
I got this CSS from the original site. I think it’s quite clever: Not only do we expand the card slightly, but we also slide it upward a little bit at the same time.
This effect works smoothly in current versions of Chrome and Firefox, but it looks choppy in Edge.
Box Shadow
I also got the following parameters from the original site:
.fancy_card {
box-shadow: 8px 14px 38px rgba(39,44,49,.06), 1px 3px 8px rgba(39,44,49,.03);
transition: all .5s ease; /* back to normal */
.fancy_card:hover {
box-shadow: 8px 28px 50px rgba(39,44,49,.07), 1px 6px 12px rgba(39,44,49,.04);
transition: all .4s ease; /* zoom in */
I like the application of two box shadows (separated by commas), and how the box shadow expands when hovering over a card. Note also the slightly different timing for the forward and back transitions. I think these kinds of subtle cues aren’t noticeable at a conscious level, but they contribute to an overall sense of quality when using a well-designed site.
Below are a few more notes on the CSS design. I like how flexbox makes centering simple, both horizontally and vertically. The CSS below centers the card in the window:
.container {
display: flex;
min-height: 100vh; /* expand height to center contents */
height: 100vh;
justify-content: center; /* center horizontally */
align-items: center; /* center vertically*/
The following CSS vertically aligns the user’s profile image and the reading duration text in the footer of the card:
.card_footer {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: center; /* vertically align content */
Header Image
I found that my header image was expanding beyond the boundaries of its container and hiding the rounded corners. This can be fixed by applying overflow: hidden
to its parent:
.fancy_card {
overflow: hidden; /* otherwise header image won't respect rounded corners */
I also discovered that the header image got stretched out vertically and did not respect its aspect ratio. With a bit of searching, I found a solution that seems to work:
.card_image {
width: 100%; /* forces image to maintain its aspect ratio; otherwise image stretches vertically */
Surprisingly, this change alone seems to solve the problem (at least for modern browsers).
The complete HTML/CSS is available on CodePen, so feel free to take a look if you’re interested.